
937 publications found

Dec 09, 2005 Book Review
Handling uncertainty

by Giancarlo Sturloni

The management of health risks related to scientific and technological innovations has been the focus of a heated debate for a few years now. In some cases, like the campaigns against the use of GMOs in agriculture, this debate has degenerated into a political and social dispute. Even risk analysis studies, which appeared in the 1970s in the fields of nuclear physics and engineering and were later developed by social sciences as well, have given completely different, and at times contradictory, interpretations that, in turn, have given rise to bitter controversies.

Volume 3 • Issue 04 • 2004

Dec 09, 2005 Book Review
"The elegant universe" by Brian Greene

by Bruno Arpaia

This item is available only in the original language

Volume 1 • Issue 01 • 2002

Sep 21, 2005 Article
Science Journalism in Latin America: A case study of seven newspapers in the region

by Luisa Massarani, Bruno Buys, Luis Henrique Amorim and Fernanda Veneu

The objective of this article is to present a panorama of the way in which journalistic coverage of science and technological themes is being carried out in Latin America, having as a case study seven newspapers of significant impact in the region. We analyzed all stories published by the science section during all the month of April 2004, in the following newspapers: La Nación, Argentina; El Mercurio, Chile; Mural, Mexico; El Comercio, Ecuador; O Globo, Folha de S. Paulo and Jornal do Commercio/Pernambuco, Brazil. A total of 482 texts were collected. The methodology joins quantitative and qualitative analysis. There are very few studies on science journalism in Latin America and even fewer that seek to explore a comparison among countries. We believe that studies such as ours can provide subsidies to stimulate the improvement of journalistic coverage of scientific and technological issues.

Volume 4 • Issue 03 • 2005

Sep 21, 2005 Editorial
Amphibious Environments in Science Communication

by Yuri Castelfranchi

The historian Marshall Berman wrote that living in modern times means "to find ourselves in an environment that promises us adventure, power, joy, growth, transformation [...] and, at the same time, that threatens to destroy everything we have, everything we know".

Volume 4 • Issue 03 • 2005

Sep 21, 2005 Commentary
Science communication between scientists and publics in developing countries. A knowledge-sharing experience

by Marzia Mazzonetto and Peter McGrath

How does knowledge sharing affect scientists' everyday work in developing countries? And how important is it for the development not only of new scientific research, but also for improving the living conditions of local inhabitants? These are the questions that a group of scientists met to discuss during an international workshop on Knowledge Sharing for Local Development in the South held in Trieste, Italy (4-6 July 2005). Based on their personal experiences, their thoughts and opinions create an interesting insight into new practices for the public communication of science, medicine and technology from a point of view that is often under-estimated: the one of the scientists themselves. The workshop, organized by the Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO) and the United Nations Development Programme's Special Unit for South-South Cooperation (UNDP-SSC), showcased 15 case studies that utilized a variety of knowledge sharing methods, and, in doing so, highlighted the critical role that knowledge sharing plays in sustainable development. For more information:

Volume 4 • Issue 03 • 2005
