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492 publications found

Mar 21, 2002 Article
Labanotation: a universal movement notation language

by Silvana Barbacci

This paper describes how a universal language for notating dance and, more generally, movement was elaborated, known as "Kinetography Laban", or rather "Labanotation". It was devised by choreographer and movement theorist Rudolf von Laban, who outlined it for the first time in 1928, in the journal Schrifttanz. His system differs from precedent notation systems in that Labanotation is rigorous and universal, as it is based not on one particular style or technique but on the general

Volume 1 • Issue 01 • 2002

Mar 21, 2002 Article
Electrodynamic metaphors: communicating particle physics with Feynman diagrams

by Massimo Pietroni

The aim of this project is to communicate the basic laws of particle physics with Feynman diagrams - visual tools which represent elementary particle processes. They were originally developed as a code to be used by physicists and are still used today for calculations and elaborations of theoretical nature. The technical and mathematical rules of Feynman diagrams are obviously the exclusive concern of physicists, but on a pictorial level they can help to popularize many concepts, ranging from matter and the antimatter; the creation, destruction and transformation of particles; the role of "virtual" particles in interactions; the conservation laws, symmetries, etc.

Volume 1 • Issue 01 • 2002