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244 publications found

Sep 21, 2002 Editorial
When science hits the headlines...

by Pietro Greco

A survey has been recently carried out for the first time in Italy concerning science communication through the media and the result has been that science hits the headlines. It is often front-page news in the press and it is also often among the main points of the news on TV. This is not very surprising.

Volume 1 • Issue 03 • 2002

Jun 21, 2002 Editorial
Science, Socrates and the media

by Pietro Greco

There is no use denying it: whenever a scientist gets a piece of news in a newspaper or on television concerning his own field of research, eight times out of ten he feels irritated. The reason does not solely depend on the fact that, in his opinion, the news given to the public is often rather inaccurate or centred on secondary aspects, sometimes even distorted. There is actually something more? Something deeper that the scientist can hardly grasp.

Volume 1 • Issue 02 • 2002

Mar 21, 2002 Article
Conversations between scientists and the public in radio phone-ins: an experimental approach to analyse public perception of science

by Matteo Merzagora and Sylvie Coyaud

"Il ciclotrone" is the weekly science programme of "Radio Popolare - Popolare Network". During the last 12 years, once or twice a month listeners have been able to directly ask questions to the guest scientists in the studios, or to express their point of view on some controversial scientific issue. Phone-ins at Radio Popolare are not filtered; regular and occasional listeners are used to communicate with or through the radio, and in doing so they contribute to the sense of spontaneity which characterise the programmes.

Volume 1 • Issue 01 • 2002