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Sep 09, 2024 Practice Insight
Creating resonance with arts-based approaches to sustainability science communication

by Marianne Achiam, Sabrina Vitting-Seerup, Louise Whiteley and Sofie Louise Dam

Mainstream science communication has struggled to drive sustainability changes. We experimented with arts-based methods in a workshop series that sought to co-create new methods and formats for sustainability science communication with communicators, artists, scientists, and policy-makers. Here, we describe how we used Hartmut Rosa’s notion of resonance to interrogate our experiences, prompted by the workshops and the artwork produced in them. We show how the elements of resonance: affection, emotion, transformation and uncontrollability, fundamentally reshaped the workshops in constructive ways that we could not have predicted. We conclude by drawing out three insights for science communication practice.

Volume 23 • Issue 06 • 2024